Wednesday 5 October 2011

Developments on Oxford Street London

Welcome to my blog! 

As a starter post I decided to show you some pictures of the new development occurring on Oxford street.

I must say it looks amazing I took photos in different angles back in July and I passed it the other day and boy has it changed! 

I unfortunately did not have my camera with me so I will try and take some new photos soon, according to the Evening standard the new development will hold new offices, shops and apartments and is costing £655 million pounds.

What do I think of the design? Well I actually like it the glass effect makes the building blend in well with the area, since the street is rather narrow it helps that the glass reflects the blue sky and I suspect it will look lovely at night.

The scheme is by Land Securities Group Plc you can go on to their website get more information on this project and their previous work.

Is anyone else excited about this development in Marble Arch?


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